The pigeonhole algorithm works as follows:
- Given an array of values to be sorted, set up an auxiliary array of initially empty "pigeonholes," one pigeonhole for each key through the range of the original array.
- Going over the original array, put each value into the pigeonhole corresponding to its key, such that each pigeonhole eventually contains a list of all values with that key.
- Iterate over the pigeonhole array in order, and put elements from non-empty pigeonholes back into the original array.
public IList PigeonHoleSort(IList list) { object min = list[0], max = list[0]; foreach (object x in list) { if (((IComparable)min).CompareTo(x) > 0) { min = x; } if (((IComparable)max).CompareTo(x) < 0) { max = x; } Thread.Sleep(speed); } int size = (int)max - (int)min + 1; int[] holes = new int[size]; foreach (int x in list) holes[x - (int)min]++; int i = 0; for (int count = 0; count < size; count++) while (holes[count]-- > 0) { list[i] = count + (int)min; RedrawItem(i); i++; RefreshPanel(pnlSamples); Thread.Sleep(speed); } return list; }
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